Wednesday, April 05, 2006

There need not be "love"

Whenever I came across a boy n a girl who were good friends , I always heard of a rumour about them . And obviously the
rumour was that they are in love . Why can't we accept the fact that there can be something other than love between a boy n a
girl ??? There is no need to attach "brotherhood" which is being done most of the times .If the rumour spreads at a great
pace then sooner or later I saw the girl or the boy declaring "brotherhood" so as to make others calm down . But why is it so
?? If one fears of facing the people then why did you dare to have a friend of opposite sex . I always thought of why do
people most of the time fear to admit such friendships . If one has true friendship at heart then where does these rumours
stand ???
Most of the time if a boy talks to a girl his peer group always catch him for the matter . The boy will be bogged up most
of the time . Seeing at a situation never the boy nor the other ones in the peer group would ever dare do that .When will the
realisation come among our generation ?? a question to be seriously dealt . The problem is more when people from interiors n
towns are present . A city youngster has no hesitation to talk to girls and he is accustomed to do it .But when such a person
is among narrow-minded individuals his problems get worsened .Even no one bothers to hear his explanation .
The students of rural areas , if they want to girls , hesitate to do so as they are not accustomed to it .When such a
person is surrounded by urban youth his problem still worsens as he will be made fun off in front of girls . The problem to
this is simple the girls should open up their minds freely n talk to boys as well as the boys have to do the same .For all
this to happen one needs to believe the fact that "there need not be love " between a boy n a girl .
Some can argue that "aren't most of the friendships being converted to love ???".The answer is yes .But it all depends on
ourselves .It is one of the strong side-effects of cinema these days where in someone tells the hero to make friendship n
later express his love n the hero follows the same n wins his love . Isn't such a message killing the true value of
friendship ??? College love is a superhit formula for cinema where friends guide the hero for his love ( I saw a movie where
the hero's parents do it ) .Mindblowing .......... where are we heading for ??? Hmmm ......... Comments invited . NO OFFENCES MEANT .